A little note for those new to my blog:

I have wanted to move to Australia for years and have just recently made the leap across the big pond!
This blog chronicles my adventures and discoveries.
Please take the time to look through my archives and start my journey from the beginning!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day eight, the bike nightmare...

I rose early this day to get some much needed errands taken care of. I had to set up the last part of my bank account and get a tax file number at the tax office, there were groceries that needed getting etc. I got myself all suited up, pink bike gloves, matching pink helmet, earbuds and playlist, backpack and re-usable shopping bag... I set off down the road and noticed this flopping sound, I look down and realize that my back tire was completely flat!!!! I spun the wheel and couldn't figure out what could flatten the tire completely like that, I couldn't see any nails or cracks in it. At this juncture I went to pump up the tire with the community bike pump which I almost immediately broke. The thing was not in that great of shape to start with but now it was completely non-functional. The only thing left to do was to walk my bike two miles down the road to the nearest gas station (servo) and use their pump to inflate my tire.

After this was done I continued into town always keeping an eye on my tire pressure. By the time I made it to the bank the tire was low again. So I walked the bike to the tax office which was only a few blocks away. Then it was time to get it fixed properly so it needed to go the bike shop. I wasn't sure I'd make it on the low tire so on the way I stopped at a Harley store and asked the boys to air up my tire, they cheerfully obliged. When I finally made it to the shop the culprit was revealed... a THORN!! REALLY?! Well besides heaps of killer critters, they also have killer trees!!! I had run over some sort of nut and it jabbed a thorn in my tire big enough to deflate it, wow. I put some goo in the tire that would seal up any future punctures, bought a bike pump and went on my way! The ride home was about 4 miles and a glorious one at that, I was so happy to have my lovely cruiser back in working order!!!

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