A little note for those new to my blog:

I have wanted to move to Australia for years and have just recently made the leap across the big pond!
This blog chronicles my adventures and discoveries.
Please take the time to look through my archives and start my journey from the beginning!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Going gypsy again....

       I decided after I got back from Ravenshoe that I would once again move. This happened as I returned and realized that Rosa needed to live with me and that where I was (although very lovely) wasn't where she needed to be. So with that, I gave my two weeks notice, packed my things into my friend's houses, packed my car full of everything I would need for the next month and have decided to head north to live in a cabin in the Rainforest and run Eagle's Nest for a bit. I'm taking Rosa and my little yellow ringneck "lemoncello" with me.

Who wouldn't want to live in a secluded rainforest?!

       When I return I hope to find a place with some acreage out in the country to share with a friend of mine that wants to keep her horses on the property. This is much more suited to my lifestyle... When we move in we will have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 turtles, 1 spider, 2 birds, 1 snake, and 2 horses! Welcome to my farm! I'll keep you posted as I look at properties, the latest was one in Alligator Creek that butts up to Bowling Green National Park! I'll be sure to see some stars there!!

      I am scheduled to leave this morning to head up north but the roads are cut due to heavy rain so I will have to wait this one out and be homeless for a bit... it's all part of the adventure baby!