A little note for those new to my blog:

I have wanted to move to Australia for years and have just recently made the leap across the big pond!
This blog chronicles my adventures and discoveries.
Please take the time to look through my archives and start my journey from the beginning!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wild wet season weather!

Apparently the wet season either peters out or goes out with a bang, such is legend. It looks like it's another bang year cause these last few days have been one for the records.

This happened last Tuesday. This is my old neighborhood, the cruddy one I lived in before I moved to Alligator paradise.

This is a park and ouch to the house in the distance.
Looking down the street sends memories of Yasi through my head.

 A freak tornado came out of nowhere and tore Vincent apart. It left the neighboring suburb alone.
This is the horrible house I used to live in, looks like the insides got a good whack with the fan and the eave lying out front, glad I wasn't there!!!
This is the Alligator Creek bridge, the water got so high that it actually flowed over and cut off access to the highway. The highway was cut between Townsville and Ayr (90kms south) in 4 places! 

To the left and right are views from either side of the bridge once I could drive over it again.

This is Alligator Creek, cut off two homes and the National Park, just one property next to us.

Some serious raging water! There are billboards up during the wet encouraging people not to cross flooded roads. There are also TV ads with cartoon characters telling kids not to play in pipes and drains!
Our creek flooded too, it only flows heavily when Alligator Creek floods.
This is on Alligator Creek road which leads to my house, luckily I live on high ground!

 The paddock on the left was so flooded that is created it's own little waterfall!

Despite all of the crazy weather we experience in North Queensland, it's still a beautiful place to live! I'm going to miss the wet season.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monsoon of words.

Rainy weather always makes for good writing. At least for me. I've been absent for a bit, mostly due to needing to leave the country in order start the visa renewal process which resulted in a 10 week hiatus in Mexico and Texas. It was a fabulous journey and I hope to publish it in this blog along with some other global gallivants and tips for traveling. This may seem a bit ambitious with so few updates lately; I've been struggling with the formatting of this blog, mainly the integration of movies and pictures into text. So I'm currently looking for another site to host but I'll keep this current in the meantime. :)

                                                "Savannah" and her joey "Moses"

As mentioned before, it's been raining here. Alot. Constant rain for two weeks solid. We have some sort of tropical low stalled above us and living in a valley in the mountains on the coast you can imagine the rainfall. Today we got over 100mm (4") of rain. I'm not complaining, I really like it. It means working in the rain too, that can suck. It's really hard to rake leaves in the rain and when your black cockatoo/bettong exhibit is under water, it's hard to re-substrate and refresh it. Other than that, it's really nice. A cacophony of croaking... heavy rain on a tin roof...... comfortable weather perfect for leaving the doors open....heaven. I don't mind being wet either, well at work that is; when your hair and makeup are nice (which does happen some times in my case) it is annoying. The greatest thing about the rain though is that oddly, it increases my productivity. I can't get distracted by wandering around outside enjoying the wonderful scenery. There isn't much you can do when it's flooding. Even getting to school is a bit treacherous. Yes, I'm in school, studying Zoology. It is pretty fun, I mean, who wouldn't want to study in the tropics?

Ok, enough of my background babble. Here are some pics of what's been happening since I've been back (February 8th).

Me and my little rare Pellewensis
Houdini, the best koala ever!

Robbie's inland taipan on our bed. Check out the pretty pattern on her!

 During the wet season you don't really get to see the mountains but it sure is pretty watching the mist, fog, and clouds drift through our valley.
As you can see, there are still moments of blue sky to enjoy too!!
Our little Macroglossus minimus visitor.

Brand new estuarine crocodiles
Baby crocs externally pipping


Babies are always fun and these guys are no different. On the left is "Savannah" again and our youngest koala "Moses" who is only 30 weeks! On the right is a video of a baby croc hatching. Keep in mind video is not always well supported, hence why I'm looking for a new site. I hope it does work though!!!
Date night to the Cowboy's game!

 On the left I have Skwimm, the little Tawny Frogmouth I was raising last November. On the right is Rosalinda and Neuro hanging out on the bed. :)

White's tree frog found at our house!

As you can see, I've settled back into my awesome life in the tropics!!! I'll keep updating weekly and show you all of the wonderful things I get to experience in fabulous north Queensland!