A little note for those new to my blog:

I have wanted to move to Australia for years and have just recently made the leap across the big pond!
This blog chronicles my adventures and discoveries.
Please take the time to look through my archives and start my journey from the beginning!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Billabong Sanctuary

        A while ago I left the RSPCA and started looking for other jobs that focused more on wildlife. After about a month of no trabajo Robbie told me about a position at Billabong Sanctuary where he works! I went and interviewed on my birthday and a week later got the job as a Ranger! It's been really fun and even though it's been packed for the busy season, I still enjoy working with these wonderful animals. Here are some pics of some of my favourites:
Doing a mobile exhibit holding a croc with Ash on the perch.
Chilly morning hanging with Jacko the sulfur crested cockatoo.

Tonka the bare nosed wombat cuddling his wombat teddy.
Roos are always bouncing through the park.

Danni, a real gap volly from the UK and Ash, the red-tailed black cockatoo.

Me and Mojo the Galah

The first echidna I've ever seen, so cute!

 Houdini, my favourite koala riding around on my back while I clean his enclosure.

Robbie flying Yasi, the whistling kite.
Three week old red-tailed black cockatoo now being hand raised by my boss!

        Some major improvements in my life as you can see! Not that what I was doing before wasn't any fun, just that I am better suited and qualified for this line of work. New things are always happening at Billabong and especially after Yasi many new enclosures and exhibits will be popping up! I have a new animal adventures everyday and will continue to update you as the fun continues!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Time flies when you are in the busy season.

 It's been a bit since I updated; I am sorry for leaving you in the dark for so long but here is a quick catchup to what is going on in the world of a Dixie Gypsy in Oz:

I had been living in a cruddy neighborhood with a friend for a couple months and finally found a place where I can settle in for bit and be away from the city while close to work and with enough land for horses. I found this place in Alligator Creek, that's right folks, ALLIGATOR creek. Weird. It has it all. It has solar heating and raincatching barrels and bore water plus city water. 2 1/2 acres, a pool, three bedrooms, a large open plan kitchen/living/dining area, a back deck, two verandahs a mango orchard containing 13 mature mango trees, a creek "alligator creek" separating the front and back paddock. A really awesome shed where I can have my reptiles, nice gardens and a chook (chicken) coup minus the fencing, a large house yard for the dogs, a peacock, yeah, a nice handsome peacock named Jorge, mountian views with multicoloured sunsets in the background of jorge flanuting himself in the front paddock, wallabies in the morning and evening, warring kookaburrahs, flocks of lories, several other specie of bird, spectacular star shows at night. Needless to say, massive upgrade, here are the pics:

The side yard looking at our shed and my car "Possum"

From the shed looking to the front yard

Yes, cats in a cage. Ming will not live here.

From the shed looking towards the pool

Nice little pool to cool down in the summer :)
Hammocks and a BBQ on the back verandah

The view from the back deck into the front paddock
The back deck off of my bedroom

So pretty sweet digs! It's only a ten minute drive to work too (I will cover where I work in my next update)!

As a bonus of course, it's only a 15 minute drive to Cungulla beach and when the tide is low you can walk forever... I like to go there with the dogs after work. :)
Life is good.